
What is Surveillance?

Merriam-Webster defines surveillance as “close watch kept over someone or something (as by a detective).” Aubor Group does provide such services– and to a surprisingly wide range of client types. Everyone from attorneys and spouses to parents and business owners.. Whether you suspect your significant other is cheating or an employee is stealing, our team of private investigators can observe the behavior of others on your behalf. You should be aware that you run the risk of being charged criminally if you perform surveillance yourself. The State of North Carolina licenses private investigators to conduct such operations in a professional, regulated manner.

How Does Surveillance Work?

Surveillance is a big word that describes a variety of investigative techniques. Think about it: it’s basically using your senses to monitor someone. Most often, visual observation provides the best evidence. Video and photo evidence receive more attention than other types.

Occasionally, location data proves valuable. For example, GPS logs can show where someone’s car was located at a certain time. Informants can be priceless resource in hard-to-watch locations.

The investigator makes a plan based on what you say. When it’s time, the investigator goes to the place to watch. He will take pictures/videos and make notes, unless there is no activity. When finished, the investigator gives you a detailed report.

Intellectual property theft results in a loss of revenue for you and jobs for your employees. While intellectual property theft investigations are more expensive than standard surveillance, you stand to recoup a substantial portion of your losses by hiring a private investigator to help protect your rights. Law enforcement investigators are already overstaffed, so counting on them to work on your case could be futile.

When is Surveillance Useful?

 Surveillance as an investigative tool is useful for many purposes. Some of the more common reasons private investigators use surveillance include:

  • You suspect your significant other of being unfaithful but do not want to risk confronting them because you are not certain. By hiring a private investigator, you can remain anonymous while the investigator discreetly uncovers the truth. A private investigator can obtain evidence of infidelity or may even show that your spouse is not cheating after all. This allows you to make an informed decision about your future.

  • You suspect your child’s other parent is capable of providing adequate financial support for your child, but they are hiding their income. Or, you cannot locate the other parent to serve legal papers that will initiate child support proceedings. A private investigator can help obtain information that will assist in providing for your child.

  • You own or manage a business and suspect an employee is making fraudulent insurance / worker’s compensation claims. A private investigator can monitor the behavior of the claimant to determine if they are performing actions that they would not be able to perform if they truly suffered from a medical condition.

  • You suspect you are being followed or stalked by someone. A private investigator can conduct a counter-surveillance operation to determine if someone is watching you.

Do You Need Surveillance?

The only way to know if your case needs it would be to speak with you to learn more. Most often, cases like cheating spouses or child custody disputes do benefit from surveillance. But, cases like asset location do not. Just give us a call to discuss your case – no charge.

Click here to learn more about surveillance in family law cases.