Criminal Defense


What is a Criminal Defense Investigator?

A criminal defense investigator is a person who conducts criminal investigations on your behalf, most often when you have been charged with (or accused of) a crime. In a perfect world, law enforcement investigators would conduct thorough, unbiased investigations. After all, their job is to arrest criminals. Unfortunately, our world is far from perfect and innocent people are charged with crimes every day. What would you do if you were undeservedly charged with a serious crime? After all, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot rely on the police to investigate, you need a criminal defense investigator to help you.

At Aubor Group, our criminal defense investigators work closely with defense attorneys to review law enforcement investigations and conduct more thorough investigations that may yield information that proves your innocence. Our team of licensed private investigators provide thorough investigative services to assist in your defense. Our job is to examine the evidence that law enforcement gathered, interpret it, and look for additional evidence that may benefit you.


What Can You Expect of a Criminal Defense Investigator?


When law enforcement officers investigate crimes, they often develop “tunnel vision,” which causes them to miss important clues. At Aubor Group, you can expect your criminal defense investigator to:

  • Interview other involved parties to learn more about the incident

  • Visit the crime scene

  • Speak with your friends, family and coworkers to see if they have information that exonerates you

  • Collect any evidence missed by law enforcement investigators

  • Coordinate closely with your attorney

  • Provide a thorough investigative report upon completion of the investigation

  • Testify in court if necessary


Can You Afford a Criminal Defense Investigator?


You may be able to hire a criminal defense investigator at no cost! In North Carolina, there are programs that allow defense attorneys to secure the services of a private investigator and have the State pay the bill. If you are charged with or accused of a crime, speak with your attorney about securing our services. The overwhelming majority of our criminal defense investigations are paid for entirely by the State. If you prefer to contract with us directly, we offer competitive rates. View our Pricing page for more information.


What is Aubor Group’s Specialty?

Our firm focuses primarily on criminal defense cases. We understand the criminal justice system and the players involved. We work with defense attorneys to review criminal investigations. Law enforcement officers make mistakes just like the rest of us. Sadly, their mistakes can ruin lives. You can benefit from hiring an investigator no matter the crime. You may also be able to have the State pay for the investigation. If you would like to learn more, please give us a call.